Academic CV and Cover Letter Writing and Interview Coaching

As a successful academic you may be looking to progress your career in a research, or a teaching, or a balanced workload position. However, to be successful with your application for an academic job you need a special type of CV, an Academic Curriculum Vitae (CV), which is quite different to a non-academic CV.  Also, Academic Cover letter must follow certain structure and cover several required areas. Moreover, Academic Interviews are conducted in a certain manner and include specific questions. Interview coaching can help you in this matter.

What’s the Purpose of an Academic CV?

Academic CV is an organised and structured document that lists your relevant achievements in a specific manner to attract the interest of the educational institution you aim to join, while they are scanning through a pile of CVs, and yours must stand out.

Please also find more information on our CV page

What’s the Difference Between an Academic CV and a non-academic CV?

Academic CV is different to an industry (non-academic) CV in a number of ways. For example, Academic CV must follow a certain structure, and, among other parts, it must include specific sections that relate to your academic achievements, such as Publications or Conference Papers, Teaching Experience, Grants and Awards, Education Experience, Academic Society Contribution. Also, Academic CV must include evidence of your academic achievements, presented in a specific format.

Academic Cover Letter

A good Academic Cover Letter increases your chances of being shortlisted for an interview. It’s not easy to write a good Academic Cover Letter. It not only needs to make you stand out, it also needs to follow a standard format and be tailored to specific position requirements. Moreover, it needs to address certain points, specific to your academic achievements and aspirations. Coupled with your CV it brings you closer to the interview, where our Academic interview coaching can help to boost confidence and performance.

Please also find more information on our Cover Letter page

Presentation Is Paramount

Other important aspects of your CV and Cover Letter are the layout and formatting, the way you’ve expressed yourself, and your grammar, spelling and punctuation. Attention to detail is important here, because it conveys quality, care and a good attitude. And you don’t want all of your education, experience, hard work and application time going ‘straight in the bin’ due to avoidable errors – big or small. That’s why you need highly professional interview coaching.

Academic Interview Coaching

Academic interview coaching is such an important step towards securing your dream job. Before an interview it’s natural to experience stress, uncertainty and anxiety – just like it is before an exam. With Academic Interviews, you’ll face not just one interviewer, but a committee, which puts even more pressure on you. It all starts with the first impression and your confidence. Then,Academic interview coaching will not only help you to tell your story and answer common interview questions but also to answer challenging questions, specific to an Academic Interview.

Please also find more information on our Interview Coaching page.

We help you succeed in your job search with our tailored interview coaching.

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